Some Scary Truths in the Nail Industry

Some Scary Truths in the Nail Industry

Ever heard of the term – “You get what you pay for?”  This always crosses my mind when things are very cheap such as clothes, accessories, beauty products etc. How can they be that cheap? The same thing applies in the nail industry. How can some of these conveyer belt...
Europe in 25 Days…..

Europe in 25 Days…..

As I write this I am actually 37, 000 feet in the air and on my way back to Perth from the most amazing European adventure! I thought I would write a little travel blog of my whirlwind experience. We started the trip back in the middle of June, I was a blubbering mess...
Being a Mumpreneur

Being a Mumpreneur

    Things don’t always go to plan, especially in business. In my mind, Glamour was going to be open and humming along by the time I had a baby; I would have some fabulous maternity leave and be earning money while at home with my newborn. Ummmm wrong!!!...