When choosing our nail polish colour, nail length or shape; at times we forget there are greater problems in the world.

When we get into our cars, and curse at having to stop on the way home for petrol or for groceries; we sometimes forget there are greater problems in the world.

When we complain about crampy tummy or back ache, or the inconvenience of not feeling confident in white pants; we can forget there are greater problems in the world.

In the world, in our country, in our neighbourhood.    

Because next door to us, or down the street, there is a woman fighting for her life in a domestic violence situation; or fighting for her future and her dignity when she has lost everything except her life.

These ladies don’t have the opportunity in this moment to choose a nail colour or complain about menstrual cramps, because these ladies struggle each time of their month to retain their dignity without the sanitary and personal hygiene products we take for granted.

So, when next you come into Glamour Nail Bar, would you consider bringing with you a new unopened packet of tampons or pads as a donation for the Share the Dignity Drive – a charity that directly helps women in crisis every single day.  When next you are grocery shopping think “one for me, one for her” and this small act of kindness will give monthly dignity to Australia’s most vulnerable women.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Glamour Nail Bar is a collection point for the month of April for Share the Dignity, so please consider donating and hashtag #Dignitydrive to share the message xxx

Glamour Nail Bar Cockburn 1/2 Point Way (cnr Points and Signal Tce) Cockburn Central 6397 2562

Glamour Nail Bar Subiaco 423 Hay Street Subiaco 9380 4677